Chris SternChris Stern Hyman, an experienced healthcare lawyer and healthcare mediator, found the COVID-19 pandemic "frightening " and "living proof of what a public health emergency is."

"Now is the time to dedicate the assets needed to address issues and problems that we haven't been able to solve or haven't even identified yet," Hyman says. "Investing in public health through the Fund will help the next generation be better prepared to prevent illness and improve health on a large scale. I'm confident of that."

Reflecting her life-long interest in helping protect and improve the health of her fellow New Yorkers, Hyman serves on the board of the Fund for Public Health NYC and has designated the Fund as a beneficiary of her estate. Hyman's generosity ensures that innovative public health strategies the Fund develops in partnership with the New York City Health Department will continue to reach and improve health in the most in-need communities.

"The more successful we are in preventing disease, the greater the benefit to everyone – especially when we address longstanding health inequities," Hyman says. "Look at the public health success we've had with smoking cessation initiatives in New York City. We accomplished something important and lasting by curbing diseases related to smoking and second-hand smoke."

The Fund for Public Health NYC is incredibly thankful to Chris Stern Hyman for supporting the health of all New Yorkers by including the Fund in her estate planning.